Questions to clarify before installing CCTV

The reason for having a Closed Circuit Television or CCTV installed can be as simple as wanting to have an area constantly monitored. However, the details needed to put this idea into actions go a long way. Here are some questions one needs to think thoroughly before making their purchase.

First of all, clarify your needs. This is essential as they will eventually determine where these cameras will be positioned. For example, if you are a shop owner, CCTVs are needed at the front of the cash desk to prevent stealing or incorrect transactions. CCTVs may also be present around the entrance to prevent customers from leaving with making payment or a possible break in after opening hours. On the other hand, a resident in a quiet neighbourhood may need CCTVs around the house to ensure no trespassing or vandalism; while public transport operator needs CCTVs to ensure passengers’ safety at all time, monitor crowds during peak hours, and no foul play with the stations etc.

In general, if the purpose of your purchase is to have an overall monitoring of activities, it is best to position the camera high, so that more things can be captured, and also pay attention to possible blocking of views by other buildings or public structures. Conversely, if the camera is installed for identification purposes, it is most ideal to have them at eye level so that a clearer and closer image can be captured.

Once these needs are properly identified and analyzed, the next question on the plate will be why CCTV is needed in this case. Indeed, do not think that CCTV is the sole solution to all your security problems. Beware of why it is unavoidable to use CCTV, also take note that offenders may find ways to overcome the barrels, to get their faces and features hidden, and crimes may not be totally abstain despite the presence of CCTV. The best way is to couple CCTV with other measures such as employing security guards, presence of intruder alarms, or being vigilant. It will also be of effect if obvious signs are available to pre-warn others. Nevertheless, CCTV garnered you a round the clock monitoring of targeted areas.

On top of needs and why, it is also important to think about getting access to the recorded footages at the end of the day. If unfortunately, incidences happened and reviews of recorded videos are necessary, it is best to first consider if a license is needed for viewing. Whether or not your CCTV is installed within private properties or in public areas, as long as the footages are targeted a particular person or when members of public come into question, viewing permission will need to be obtained.

Another burning question bear by many CCTV first-timers is probably the affordability of the installation. The price of CCTV installation varies depending on the number of required cameras, the size of monitored area, qualities of the captured images or sounds, and maintenance after installation etc. Ideally, the installed CCTV systems should be monitored twice a year, to ensure all parts are regularly serviced and warranted. Hence, it will be great; to arm with clear ideas of where are the potential monitored areas and possible blind spots within the areas to avoid over purchase.

It is also important to ensure that the installed CCTV system is user-friendly for easy record, retrieval, and deletion. Technical difficulties should not come into the way when the system has been activated. One can choose to monitor the surveillance or employ monitoring company to do so. As IP cameras became easily accessible, more and more people choose to monitor their domestic CCTV system via 3G mobile phones or internet. While it is still in practice to engage monitoring company for 24/7 surveillance of a bigger site, so that police and management staff are notified immediately when activated. Currently, most CCTV system has the capability of storing up to four weeks of recorded footages, after which memories have to be cleared and stored.

With so many contents to handle, it is best to consult and employ qualified contractors during installation, so that they can provide with the most detailed and accurate help.

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